Monday, April 30, 2007

TRE at IU Bloomington

I am about to attend the Teaching Research Ethics workshop at the Poynter Center at IU Bloomington May 15-18. I would be interested to hear from any others who have attended this program, especially on any tips to make it as valuable as possible.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Reflections on Raleigh

LANGURE senior fellows Alan Beck and A. G. Rud bang the big drum

It has been about two weeks since I attended the LANGURE seminar in Raleigh. Some thoughts.
  • I was impressed by how participants saw research ethics as encompassing larger issues of institutional and societal context. Certainly bread-and-butter research ethics topics such as plagiarism and human subjects are vital, but we need to keep in mind the context in which we do our research.
  • I am still unclear, but maybe it is just me, on how a land grant institution's focus on research ethics is different from other types of institutions. Clearly at the meeting discussion of ethics in agriculture, veterinary sciences, and so forth is tied to land grant institutions (though not exclusively of course). Would others venture some ideas on how we can sharpen the identity of land grant research ethics?

  • Somewhat to that end, the module of which I was part was on extension and expert advice. From an initial example of Florida citrus canker, we broadened the scope to include larger contextual issues.