Teaching Research Ethics workshop
Indiana Memorial Union
I am at the end of a 2.5 day workshop on teaching research ethics, held at the Indiana Memorial Union on the IU Bloomington campus. Very productive time, though my butt is aching (bring a cushion if they don't change the PPT-laden pedagogy in future years, I say). Excellent group of presenters, and participants a mix of faculty and IRB/research compliance administrators from universities around the nation. I came here principally to enlarge and refresh my teaching toolkit, and the sheer amount of material provided is very helpful.
Much of the discussion focused upon the biological and medical sciences, and IRBs. I had done a stint on my university's IRB years ago, so this was a good refresher for me. I am as interested, though, in the wider issues to do with ethics in an institutional setting, and the societal factors that lead to concerns about research ethics.
PS: If you haven't been to IU Bloomington, do go, it is as lovely a place as the picture above.
How can craft a course so that we cover, as you say, "the biological and medical sciences, and IRBs" but also "the wider issues" and "societal factors that lead to concerns about research ethics?"
I would treat the nuts and bolts IRB issues within the context of wider societal issues, and always make that connection. That is how I would do it.
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